It must be explained that transgender is an umbrella term
for all individuals not identifying fully with the gender binary; and that is the only commonality, the difference or non-adherence. There is no transgender prototype; you might or might not be able to identify the non-conformity by looking at the person. There are very subtle and many exaggerated presentations, some aiming to look exactly the opposite gender, but many mix or do not aim to express any gender at all.
It must be noted that it is really an identity issue and the actual presentation, even if being important, is only secondary.
It does not equal transsexual, which is an older term, not an umbrella term, reserved usually for those totally changing sex and living their life afterwards in an ideally totally binary gender normative context. In addition, the term transsexual carries the meaning as if the individual would be an alternative to heterosexual. The correct term is my view therefore is transitioning or transitioned transgender, which would correct the outdated transsexual and would properly underline the separation between sexual orientation and gender identity.
Yes, many transition, many not. Some change things about their body, some not; some express by clothes, some not. In addition, those who transition might be before, in or after the transition.
The cisnormative terminology fails over describing a trans individual’s sexual orientation
even, which is usually stable and is not changed via or during the eventual transition. Also, the discussion becomes very problematic and technical what defines a woman or a man: chromosomes, genitalia, functioning genitalia, reproductivity? Where do we put the intersex, sickness and accident caused physical changes; and where do we put the transitioning and the gender non-binary? To simplify I will say someone is lesbian if that person identifies as a woman and has a preference for women (cis or transitioned trans).
It is very difficult to explain gender non-conformity (being transgender) to gender binary normative people, including those who are homosexual, really because this is a completely different nut. People already accustomed to different sexual orientations, and they try to relate being trans to that, but it does not work.
Gender dysphoria
is a medical term to describe the psychological distress (damage) experienced by the trans individual due to the gender assigned at birth and having to live life according to the associated social gender role. Gender dysphoria can contribute to depression, substance abuse and increased suicide rates.
Counselling and finding support groups are surely advisable in all cases and based on the severity of the dysphoria and the preferences of the trans individual hormonal and surgical intervention should be considered. There is a great push towards transitioning because of the expectations of the binary gender majority, trying to meet them, and wanting to live a “normal life”, but as the opposite gender.
It is important to educate and to fulfil the interest of the general public about gender affirmation surgery. There are many resources online with very nice animations and lay language explanation on how it is technically performed, what results can be expected and what aftercare is required. Gender affirmation surgery by the way replaces the terms gender reassignment surgery and sex reassignment surgery to correctly reflect the fact that the body is changed to match the soul so to say.
In addition to transsexual, transvestite
is also an outdated word, despite still preferred by some trans crossdressers. It has a bad connotation of trashy, even used as „trashy transvestite” or „tranny”, with both words having been hi-jacked by the porn industry, and as such being very distant from what we are discussing under the gender identity topic.
Many heterosexual men consume transsexual porn or want to (be) cross-dress(ed) as a submissive sexual act (punishment). These might be signs of gender non-conformity, but usually have nothing to do with being transgender. For most trans there is really nothing sexual about their gender identity.
It becomes even more complicated when the trans individual does not identify fully with the opposite gender, identifies with both, mixes or identifies as neither. The appropriate terms here are binary non-conforming, gender fluid, genderqueer, agender, gender neutral.
This is I believe where the fun really begins, because this kind of gender flexibility really accounts for a higher level of freedom, beyond many artificial social boundaries and with a much broader view on society.
Transgender visibility
is a term used to describe the mission we are on to let people know there can be a non-conforming gender identity, which is an inherent and genuine state and as such normal variances of the gender spectrum, which is artificially grouped into two majority categories.
The Native American Navajos for example embraced 5 genders (until we “taught” them to forget about 3): feminine woman, masculine man, masculine woman, feminine man and neither. The latter 3 were very important institutions as well and contributed with their special roles and capabilities greatly to the Indian culture and communities.
Gender clocking
is the rapid, first glance kind of binary categorization based on assessment of your gender expression, interestingly especially based on your clothes and accessories, rather than your hair, face, or body type.
We do go about without taking much notice of women with heavily masculine traits, being tall, having small breast and no curves, being hairy, large or muscular for example, while a man in a skirt and high heels on the street would surely not be considered “normal” at the first glance.
Gender projection
is the phenomenon when people treat you by default and without question or will as binary gender conforming, carefully guiding you in your gender appropriate way and will validate your conformity as being the only right way.
This is why you need to say you are buying a present in a lingerie shop if you are shopping as a man.
Gender jealously
is something between projection and extremism (comes later), it is when a cisgender person clearly protects the gender privileges and not just as his or her individual rights but disliking a trans or non-conforming person to also want to experience and use items and services normally reserved for the other gender. In addition, some feel failure or loss in a competitive way, especially because trans presentations can look overly perfect and sophisticated, as well as not having to deal with the unpleasant elements of being the desired gender, like baring symptoms around menstruation.
This is when you are not served in a gender branded shop, or you are advised in a way that you do not want to buy the item or take the service anymore, at least in that very shop from that very person. By the way, I rarely had such experience, but it also depends a lot on the size of the city you are in and the general acceptance level in the society you live in.
Gender extremism
will demand and reinforce the boundaries between the binary genders and will not consider gender non-conformity a subject matter that allow discussions or deviations, will never accept transgenderism or gender fluidity as healthy variations of people. It can be associated with religious conservativism and manifest transphobia.
Unfortunately, Pope Francis in talking to the Archbishop in Poland during his 2016 visit mixed gender identity into a category which he calls “ideological colonialism” and all that in context of the migration towards the EU. And the problem is that even if the term colonialism is used in an incorrect context, it is clear that the Pope thinks that gender non-conformity should not be allowed amongst children and that God created the world in a certain way for a good reason.
Gender consciousness:
a kind of intrinsic knowledge and awareness of one’s gender identity. For most, this is not a realization, but something which was ever there and ever right. Trans people might go through a phase of realization when the true gender identity surfaces or becomes acknowledged by the individual.
Gender harmony:
I guess this is the state when one is perfectly fit and happy with the gender as social role as well as self-expression, and in a body which serves the latter two appropriately.
There is a lighter version of gender harmony, integratedness
meaning maintaining the life and role as the gender assigned at birth. Integrated trans individuals perceive variable and varying levels of dysphoria during their lives, which does not distract, or they consciously do not allow it to distract them from the social role they established. Usually coping methods are developed, like occasional secret crossdressing or submerging into the anonymity of the internet.
This is an important and vulnerable group of individuals, who would be much better off if the gender binary would not be so much reinforced and some deviations from the norms would be welcomed. Lot of damage would also be avoidable if the closest circles at least would find ways to acceptance.
Lastly here are some statements to dismiss some transgender misbeliefs:
• There is nothing wrong with being transgender; actually, there is no moral or ethical element to it.
• It is not an alternative lifestyle, it is not a choice, it is not a fashion, and nobody “becomes” transgender.
• It is not a bedroom secret; it is distinct from sexuality and sexual orientation.
• It is the individual’s choice whether to disclose one’s gender identity to others.
• It is not an offense to learn someone is being transgender; it is not an offense to be transgender.
• Transgender have the same rights to choose who to love, to have family and children as well as to be a part of any religion.